The 10 Stages of Trying to Adult: Navigating the Hilarious Journey of Adulthood


Embarking on the journey of adulthood is often viewed through the rose-coloured glasses of independence and freedom.

Little do we realize the rollercoaster ride that awaits, filled with unexpected twists and turns, and the undeniable hilarity accompanying trying to navigate this complex stage of life.

This detailed exploration delves into the ten stages of attempting to become an adult, from the shock of paying bills to the seemingly impossible challenge of grocery shopping.

Stage 1: The Illusion of Freedom

The illusion of freedom characterizes the initial stage of trying to become an adult. Young adults eagerly step into the realm of independence, envisioning a life free from the constraints of parental supervision.

The reality, however, begins to dawn as they encounter the harsh truths of financial responsibility. Bills, the unexpected guests of adulthood, start knocking on the door, and the exhilarating freedom takes a backseat to the sobering realization that financial obligations are now a part of daily life.

Stage 2: The Shock of Bills

There comes a moment in every young adult’s life when they open their mailboxwith excitement, only to be greeted by unwelcome guests known as bills.

Rent, utilities, and student loans materialize as if summoned by some mystical force, and the shock of financial responsibility hits hard.

The panic sets in as they grapple with the realization that money doesn’t magically appear; it must be earned and managed wisely. Welcome to the world of adulting!

Stage 3: The Budgeting Fiasco

Determined to tackle adulthood head-on, many young adults embark on the ambitious journey of creating a budget. Armed with spreadsheets and financial apps, they set out to allocate their funds responsibly.

However, the budgeting fiasco ensues as they face the cruel reality that the cost of living is often higher than anticipated.

Dreams of a lavish lifestyle must be downsized, and they become intimate with the economics of ramen noodles and discount grocery shopping.

Stage 4: The Grocery Shopping Expedition

The seemingly simple task of grocery shopping becomes an unexpected adventure in adulting.

No longer accompanied by parents who magically fill the cart, young adults must decipher between organic and non-organic, navigate crowded aisles, and make choicesreflecting their newfound culinary independence.

The thrill of grabbing snacks is replaced by the strategic calculation of price per ounce, and the art of meal prepping becomes a survival skill.

Stage 5: The Laundry Crisis

Amidst the chaos of adulting, the laundry crisis emerges as a comedic interlude. Sorting whites, colours, and delicates transforms simple tasks into daunting ones.

The fear of shrinking a beloved sweater or turning everything an unintended shade of pink looms large, and suddenly, the washing machine evolves from a convenient appliance to a potential disaster waiting to happen.

The laundry room becomes a battleground of fabric softeners and detergent choices.

Stage 6: The Social Obligations Dilemma

As adulting progresses, social obligations multiply like rabbits, threatening to overwhelm even the most extroverted individuals. Weddings, baby showers, and networking events become the norm, and the dilemma of social obligations surfaces.

The wardrobe needs an upgrade, and a significant portion of the budget is redirected to attire suitable for various events. The struggle between looking presentable and maintaining financial stability becomes a delicate balancing act.

Stage 7: The Furniture Fumble

Equipping a living space with the essentials transforms into a quest for affordable furniture that doesn’t scream “college dorm room.” Enter the furniture fumble, where the assembly of flat-pack furniture becomes an unexpected skill set.

Frustration runs high as roommates or partners attempt to cohabitate in style, with the challenge of deciphering cryptic assemblyinstructions and the occasional missing screw. The living room evolves into a battlefield of Allen wrenches and questionable design choices.

Stage 8: The Commuting Conundrum

The daily commute, once a simple journey from point A to point B, becomes a battleground of patience in the adulting arena.

Whether navigatingthrough traffic jams, enduring delayed trains, or embarking on the eternal quest for a parking spot, the commuting conundrum tests the resilience of even the most zen-like adulting enthusiasts.

Deep breaths become a mantra, and finding alternative routes becomes a valuable life skill.

Stage 9: The Health and Wellness Wake-Up Call

Amidst the chaos of adulting, a health and wellness wake-up call echoes through the corridors of maturity.The invincibility of youth fades, replaced by the realization that regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are essential for long-term well-being.

Gym memberships are purchased with the best intentions, but the struggle to stick to a routine ensues. The quest for a healthy lifestyle becomes a balancing act against work demands and social obligations.

Stage 10: The Never-Ending Learning Curve

The final stage of trying to become an adult is accepting the never-ending learning curve. When one feels they’ve mastered the art of adulting, life throws a curveball – a new job, a move to a different city, or unexpected personal challenges.

Realizing that adulthood is an ongoing journey, each stage teaches resilience, adaptability, and finding humour amid chaos.


Navigating the hilarious journey of adulthoodis akin to riding a rollercoaster – filled with unexpected loops, exhilarating highs, and, of course, a fair share of comedic moments.

From the initial illusion of freedom to accepting the never-ending learning curve, the ten stages of becoming an adultprovide a humorous perspective on the challenges we all face as we transition into the complexities of grown-up life.

So, buckle up and enjoy the ride – adulthood may be a wild adventure, but we’re all in together.

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